Sherry spoke up "if we are done with introduction so can we have something to eat." His words broke the thought chain of Agastya and he immediately take his hand back.
Kainat too take her hand back and nervously looked down. Few waiters came and they offered everyone champagnes. Kainat raised her hand to take the glass but Sherry slapped her hand back and excused the waiter to go.
Kainat looked at him in confusion, she asked "what was this?" To which Sherry rolled his eyes and said sternly, "it's not fruit champagne, you will not drink it." Riva snapped in between their talk and said "Yah kainat, champagne is not your thing, stay away from it."
"Really? When I said that Hyderabad isn't my thing and let me stay away, no one listened now I won't listen." Kainat said within seconds.
Sherry rolled his eyes mentally. Kainat continued "I will drink champagne, stop me if you can" Sherry replied to her words with a sarcastic chuckle "haa pio champagne taanki baad mein tum chudailon ki tarhan naach sako."
(Yes, drink champagne so that you can dance like witches later.)
Riva laughed her heart out on his words and they passed a high five, kainat passed them an anger filled glare and they controlled their laugh.
Everyone was having starter along with some chit chat. "Kainat how's your business going." Janardhan asked her. Tej spoke in between with slight shock "she owns a business?" To which Janardhan replied "Yess! She has been into business since she was 18 years old, she has also secured the best youngest business tycoon award for consecutive 3 years"
Everyone was awestruck by Janardhan this statement, when Devi ji said "what's have been your age now?" Then within a second next question came "what's your company's revenue?" That Ratan asked "How many branches do you have owned?","what was the need to step into business at such a young age?" And many more.
Even before Kainat replies to any one of the questions the other one throws a new question, everyone was just showering questions over her. She just looked at everyone, she was confused that why they are behaving in such way. Mahender ji noticed her discomfort so snapped immediately "Plz everyone, she is not here for an interview, why you all are asking such questions to her?"
She looked at the Mahender then fisted her hand, every time Mahender took her side, she felt angry. She doesn't have much pleasure towards raisinghani's, their acts, their talking to her, just everything related to them brings out immense anger in her. Since she came here she was already feeling anguish, she thought in her mind "My god! Such weird people I have came across with. Who ask such questions."
On the other hand Agastya came back as he went somewhere to attend his call.
Waiters were serving food to everyone, when one waiter came and begin serving a mushroom curry to Kainat, Sherry stopped him, "No no, No mushroom!" As kainat has allergy from mushrooms so she can't eat it.
Kalyani Raisinghani was giving a weird look to kainat she was watching her and sherry and their acts, kainat noticed it but chose to ignore as she don't want to create mess here. Also if once her anger broke no one would be able to handle her then, so she ignored whatever was happening.
Riva leaned slightly towards kainat and then pulled her little towards herself then signalled her towards Agastya and told her in her ear about how he talked to Sandeep ji before she came here. Actually here they literally acted like those girls who judged people in an event then roast them.
Kainat listened her and then she raised her eyes and looked at him with narrowed eyes as he was busy with his food. She said to Riva in a low voice in her ear "this weird person!, is garam khopdhi ko to mein sidha karungi." Suddenly he looked up and his eyes fell on kainat who was already throwing daggers at him with her eyes, but soon when he saw her she started looking here and there.
Everyone was done with their dinner, but the talks were still on. Elder's were busy in their own talks, youngsters were busy in their own talk, kainat and Riva were busy in their some god knows what talks. Agastya was busy on his phone.
Everyone was scattered here and there youngsters were taking pictures, talking and giggling, Sherry was too with them, as he got comfortable to people easily.
Kainat and Riva were sitting at corner talking about something, Agastya was still busy attending his calls.
Riva said to kainat "Umm... Kainat, I will be right back. I want to go to restroom." She said this then Kainat nodded , and Riva walked away. Now kainat was alone sitting there near railling from where whole city was visible. The view was undoubtedly breath taking the city lights are beautiful to watch. Agnivanshi siblings saw her sitting alone, they whispered something to each other then they walked towards her.
She was on her phone, when they came to her, she saw them then stood from her place. She passed a slight smile to them. There was an unknown sense of tension between them. They were looking at her in weird way while she was looking here and there in nervousness. Finally Kashi broke the silence and spoke "Can I touch your hand?" Kainat didn't understand her question, she looked her with little confusion then smiled fakingly and nodded yes.
Kashi touched her hand and shouted little loud, "Myraa, she is real!" Kainat widened her eyes on her statment that within seconds Myra spoke "Can I touch your hand too?" Kainat gulped out of nervousness then she again permitted her in same way. Then Myra too touched her hand.
Dhruv flicked on both of their heads. But they didn't care about it, he said to both of them "Stop making her nervous, what you guys are doing." Kainat giggled at their behaviour. Although it was weird the way they were behaving, their act was making her laugh.
Myra ignored his words then she said further to Kainat "How are you this beautiful? Your skin is so flawless,""yess, so soft just like a silk" Kashi added. Kainat frowned at their words. It was obvious that they were amazed by her beauty, she found the question wierd, but she spoke with little hesitation. "I..I...I don't know, if you are asking for tips then, the only thing I can suggest is use natural products, that's it!" Dhruv, Rudra and Shaurya sighed at the crazy behaviour of their sisters that they can even ask about the skin care tips from the person they have met just 2 hours before. Well it's true Being too much of a beauty freak can be detrimental.
Then shaurya said at their both's act "are you guys out of your mind, what kind of question is this?" Then he said to Kainat with pacify expression "They are mad you just ignore them."
Rudra asked kainat "you don't belong from here, where do you live?" Then kainat replied with a smile"Banglore" they all said at same time "Banglore!"
Within moment Riva also returned there. She heard them saying banglore together, she said from behind "what was there to shock in this, banglore is at earth only. " She said with a sarcastic chuckle. Shaurya narrowed his eyes at her words and said "Thanku so much for the information, If you hadn't told us, we would never have known that Bangalore is on Earth. We thought it was on Pluto." Riva gave him a sarcastic tight smile then rolled her eyes at him.
Riva got a call suddenly then she asked for excuse then went away to attend call. Kainat nodded at her then let her go. Then they continued talking, Agnivanshi siblings asking questions and Kainat replying to them. From other hand Agastya was coming towards the area, when his eyes fell on youngsters standing around Kainat surrounding her, he frowned at this. Then he went little ahead towards them.
Myra saw him coming she widened her eyes and hurriedly said "Bhai... Coming...... Run!" Kainat didn't understand anything, before Agastya could reach them they all went somewhere from There and kainat stood there confused she thought in her mind "This is too much...... First their wierd questions then their weird commands. Huh!" She turned around when she was about to bump into Agastya but luckily saved as he maintained her balance.
She looked with widened eyes at him, due to his sudden appearance. He said in his stern, deep voice "what where you talking to them?" His voice was enough to bring goosebumps all over her body, she felt twists in her stomach on hearing him but soon she shrugged her thoughts off.
She narrowed her eyes at his words, and said in the same stern voice while questioning "Are you a DC?" He looked at her with his stiff cold emotionless face.
She continued further "Are you a MLA?" He again didn't reacted at this she further said "if you are none of the above, then why should I tell you." He thought in his mind, that she was the first woman who could have couraged to reply him back with equal intensity as his. He smirked derisively and said under his breath "Interesting, Too interesting"
He began taking fierce steps towards her and his aura was dark, powerful and dominating that even an eye contact made her nervous as hell, she felt herself fumbling at her place. she moved backward and he was continuously taking steps forward towards her. Their eyes were locked in an intense gaze. Neither she was looking away nor he. He was looking deep into her soul through her eyes, but now as her nervousness was on peak so she broke the eye contact.
He stopped abruptly when he heard Sherry's voice from behind who was calling Kainat.
She took a chance and immediately left from there and he kept looking at her from behind. She came their where Sandeep ji was sitting along with raisinghani's.
Devi, was watching Agastya from a distance, he was doing something on his phone. Deep came and placed his hand on her shoulders. "Maa, What happened." He asked .
Her eyes were still fixed on him, but she said to Deep, "Deep, My Agu! After whole 1 year I am able to see him, but even we are so close, I can feel a lot of distance he had made between us and him." A tear left her eyes. Tej came from behind and said, "Then come, let's cover this distance."
He took her hand then walked towards Agastya. When Agastya felt someone coming towards him, he raised his eyes only to found Devi , Tej and Deep standing in front of him.
He averted his gaze from them, but Devi Ji's hands raised automatically towards his face. She was about to cup his face with care but he jerked her hand then stepped back.
Devi said with a plastered smile while tears were still present in her eyes, "Agu, it's been almost a year. Earlier, You used to visit us , but for the past year, I have been yearning just to see your face. Child........ forgive your grandmother, don't do this... Living away from my son, my breath is getting shorter." She said this and tear escape her eyes.
It was clear from her face that she was guilty for her past deeds which even lead Agastya to leave his own house and live away from them. He managed to stay still and to not show any emotions.
He said with little broken but anger filled tone, still not looking at them "Now things have gone out of hand... I have come too far... There is no way to turn back from here."
He said this then left from there. They stood their disappointed. Deep placed his hand on Devi ji's shoulder and said "Maa, it's okay....... everything will get fine as time goes on......Come!" He said this then they walked towards where everyone was present. Agastya was there but he ignored them. Everyone again gathered at dining area. It's been 10 pm already, how fast time has gone no one felt, being among the family and friends like family, it always feels good.
Sandeep ji remembered that Mahender has given him a gold chain to gift Kainat.
He took out the box from his pocket and forwarded it in front of Kainat, she didn't understand anything at first then he told her "Mahender wanted to give it to you. At first you didn't come, so he thought you wouldn't show up and gave it to me so that I could give it to you. But now that you're here.........Mahender, you give it to Kainat yourself."
He said this then forwarded the box towards Mahender, a smile appeared on his face while his eyes softened, He take the box from his hands. Then take out the chain from inside he stood from his place and walked towards kainat.
Everyone was just looking and no one was saying anything. Kalyani ji was not liking what ever was happening at the moment. She was making disgusted faces in irritation.
Kainat stood at her place, anger was dripping inside her eyes, she fisted her hand for sake to control her outburst, she was trying already to cax up with what everyone is doing to her here and more over now this.
Mahender came and stood in front of her she looked at chain then at him then at Sandeep and she repeated it three times.
Then she took few baby steps back then she said with an anger filled tone, she said seethingly.
"There is no need for all this, I don't like taking gifts from strangers." She said this much which was enough to shatter Mahender's hopes.
On hearing her words he lowered his hands with disappointment, when Sandeep ji said from behind, "Kainat, he is giving you this as blessings and we should never deny for the blessings." To which Kainat replied in same sternness "it's okay, I have many people to bless me, If one of them not even bless me, it won't make a difference."
Everyone was shocked to hear such bold and stern answers from her, they never expected that she could turn out to be like this, once she will speak.
Rudra said in low voice in ears of Shaurya, "This is a complete female version of Bhai." Shaurya passed him a glare and he immediately looked away.
Sandeep ji looked at Mahender who stood there holding the chain in his hand with disappointment. He walked towards kainat then said her "kainat this is not the right way to behave, take it." Kainat looked at him then she nodded with no she said in her low voice which could only be heard to Sandeep "I told you to not expect anything from me if I ever come to Hyderabad, dad!"
Sherry and Riva, some time looking at Kainat then each other then Sandeep. They were standing there with their fingers crossed worrying about Kainat's anger that was about to break.
Kalyani spatted immediately at Kainat and said "Is this your way to talk to your elders, if some one is giving you something out of happiness then what's a big deal to take it."
Kainat looked at Kalyani Ji who was already looking at her angrily, she said with a straight stiff face "yes you are right, it's not a big deal to take the gift of blessing from someone else, but from him, it is........ My pleasure sir, that you bought this for me but.......I can't take it."
Sandeep was about to say something to Kainat, Mahender stopped him mid way while nodding his head in the negative. Sandeep ji stepped back on his signal.
She angrily glanced at everyone present and left from there in a fit of rage. "Le.....let me see, ex..eax..excuse me" she said stammering at her words at the message kainat has just created. Then she took a leave and walked behind her.
Agastya was too fed up from the drama and moreover his again and again ringing phone was making him more frustrated. He said "I should too leave now" He said in frustration trying to plaster his words to not look more horrifying after what has already happened.
Devi was about to say further to stop him but before she could he left hurriedly.
Everyone was just looking at whatever happened in disillusion. They never expected, the perfectly going get together would end up in this way.
Kalyani erupted at Sandeep as she was not able to digest the situation "Sandeep, this should not have happened. She is just too stubborn and way much outspoken, you need to keep a check over her activities. You need to control her."
On hearing her words Sherry gave her an astounded glare. But he stayed silent as he don't want more accusations to be applied on him due to his behaviour.
Tej said in "I think we should too take a leave now. Janardhan! thank you so much for hosting this Get together." Tej took him into a see off hug. They smiled. Ladies greeted to each other and so does youngsters. Boys touched every elders feet for their blessings.
Janardhan said "Thank you so much for taking the time to come here. Uncle!"
Obviously Tej is of Janardhan's father's age and their families are bound only because of them. His father and Tej who were business partners as well as family friends.
But due to the sudden demise of his father he and his brothers managed their livings and they are now here.
Sandeep was Mahender's school friend they were together since their childhood and that's why he also become a family friends to Raisinghani.
Agnivanshi's then bid adieu to Sandeep as now Sabharwals and and Agnivanshi have to shake hands for friendship. Deep gave a signing off hug to Sandeep . He whispered in his ears. "I know everything already . Plz don't be harsh to her. It's okay! today's generation need patience not scoldings. I hope you understood!" Sandeep widened his eyes at his words. Then they passed a smile to each other. Sandeep joined hands to greet everyone then Agnivanshi's took leave from there.
"Dad let's go!" Sherry said holding giving support to Sandeep from left side while sandeep taking support of crutches with right hand. He nodded to sherry then Sandeep put his hand over Mahender's hand and said "Right now she is unaware of reality, once she will know, everything will be me! Take care!"
Sandeep greeted Mahender with a hug then followed the same with Janardhan, Viren and Madhav.
♡ On the other hand in parking lot kainat was in car waiting for Riva to come so they can leave. Sherry and kainat have kept their luggages in the car already while they were checking out of hotel.
She was sitting in her car in the driver's seat, she was still enraged with anger. All of sudden she felt a great jerk with so much pressure with a loud splash voice.
Panic-striken, she came out of the car and found that her car which was one of favourite car's collection of hers was dented all over from back.
She was taken back by the condition of her car. Nothing maker her angry but seeing dents, scratches on her favourite car...... She just losses her temper.
She knocked , inflamed at the window of the car of a man who hit her car. She thought in her mind that how can someone be so shameless that he first hit someone's car and now he is not even coming out of his car just for sake at least to show some concern or apologize.
Her furry increased as he still not lowered the window, even after knocking. She knocked harshly this time. She heard a clunk sound of door opening. She took a step back and man came out of the car.
She was shocked to see the man standing in front , but the man was looking at her impassivly. It turned out to be Agastya.
It was Agastya's car who had hit Kainat's car.
She startled "You!" She didn't even wait for him to say, her love and possesiveness for car is so insane that she didn't even feared before talking to a person like him whose single glare is enough to choke person's breath.
She was just incensed, only the thing she can think at that time was , Agastya is her culprit who hit her car. Her favourite car. Even his ghasty personality was not giving her a single frown. She was just stood at her protest with only intention "Aaj to jaan se mar ke rahungi!" And that's enough for her to keep her courage on board.
"What was this? Ha? Are you a blind can't you see ? Or you don't know how to drive, if this is the reason then why are you driving. Are you experimenting with your driving skills. Mister listen, I can forgive murders but you have hit my car. I can't forgive this. And moreover you are not even answering when I am knocking , at which cloud are you living ha? Come to earth otherwise you will fall this bad, about what even you haven't thought of-" Kainat was yelling at him with so much anger, that she didn't even realised what she was saying and continuously kept speaking.
He abruptly pulled her into him with his one hand behind her head and one cupping her mouth. She stumbled at her place when she realised his sudden actions and what she was doing. He was just looking at her with anger filled, fierce eyes. His burning eye contact was shattering her courage. She can see him clenching his jaws. And the deadly looks he was giving was making it clear that she messed up.
But instead of fearing him she was checking him out, like this time she has seen him with so close. Her eyes were fixed with his honey brown eyes. That is a clear honey dripped ocean for her to dive. His nicely settled hair and 2-3 strands falling on his forehead. Perfectly trimmed beard, not too dense but not to light also. His sharp jawline, his spotless face, looking at which she might have felt scary instead she is admiring him and making his descriptions in her head.
"Shut....your...mouth!" His words broke her thought chain and she shrugged of the thoughts.
She pushed him slightly to make him away. She again started with her yelling "Why shut up? You committed a mistake and instead of sorry you are asking me to shut up! You shut up mister" she said pointing her finger towards him almost shouting.
His eyes were now completely red. The way she was talking in such dominance was not going well with him. He was wondering that how the hell she is managing to maintain eye contact with him. He thought his aura is enough to destroy someone's ability to even utter and she is talking in full fledged courage .
"It was just an accident, what's so need to over react." He said clenching his jaws. She looked at him with wide open eyes and startled "Just an accident! Are you serious you legit, damaged my car so badly and you are just letting the thing go, by saying it's just an accident." She said shouting.
He took a deep breath he was already frustrated by her continuous accusations. His patience was on verge to break, but as he knows that she is someone, his family is relative to so he was controlling himself to lose his temper. He didn't want to drag the topic further.
He said influentially with a stiffness in his tone clearly depicting his furry "your new car will be delivered at your doorstep tomorrow morning, before you open your stop wasting my time and get a side, I have more important works to do rather than arguing with you over your stupid car."
He turned to return to his car when she again came and stood in front of him. Now he got to know that she is not that much easy he was thinking. He looked at her in a lethal way, but she cared less and snapped back "I am not sleeping tonight, I am awake till morning........get me my car right now." She said with a command in her tone.
He took predatory steps towards her and stood so close to her but she didn't flinched a little. He rolled his eyes at her sternness and said with a snicker "I think you are not in love with your life miss."
She spat back "Get me my car." He took out the phone from his pocket clicked the picture of her car and sent it to someone. Then he called that person and said in commanding, stern tone "get this car delivered right now........I am sending you the location." He disconnected the phone then Looked at her but she was already glaring at him.
He was about to say something but stopped when he heard a Riva's voice from behind.
"Oh my god! Kainat......." She looked at the dent on car then at her. Kainat looked away and rolled her eyes.
Riva walked towards them, he just cursed himself "Fuck" and looked away. Riva was giving them shocking reactions. She said pointing her finger towards Agastya with widened open eyes "You did this........" He ignored her. She said in Kainat's ear "don't spare him, just break his face"
He spoke suddenly then finger towards her car "what was much special in this fucking machine, that you two are over reacting this much. Such an irritating mess you are."
Kainat clenched her jaw and fisted her hand she was just at verge to snatch his face for calling her car a minimal machine.
Then she remebered what Riva said about his behaviour towards her dad. The more anger rushed in her. Suddenly his phone rang he shook his head in disbelief and walked little away to attend the call. Kainat kept watching him in anger from behind
And that's it, now its high time, paani sar se upper ja chuka hai. She rushed towards her car opened the back seat door and took out a hockey stick from inside. She always keeps one with her. As for sake of such kind of emergencies. Don't worry she is definitely not going to beat him with hockey but his car is at stake now.
Then she walked towards his car. He was standing facing another side and his back facing towards the car. He was busy in the call. She came near his car and with all the power she could have she threw the hockey on the front glass of his car.
He squeeked as the glass broke and pieces flew in air. He immediately turned and his mouth left hung open and eyes widened.
She didn't even gave a second then again hit his left side window and glass broke. She walked towards another side then did the same with that side window. The then again with lots of pressure hit his bonnet. That is sinked little inside and a dent digged into it.
Then she hit both the rear view mirrors of his car. She was about to hit the doors of car when he held the hockey stick from behind.
Riva too stood there shocked she said to herself out of fear "yah to aaj hum jayenge yah to yeh! He bhagwan bass Aaj bacha lo!" She said offering prayers with join hands. She knew she provoked kainat for all this but still she was just praying for both of their well being.
She ran towards kainat and pulled her with herself to go from here. But she stood stubborn.
"You idiot, what the fuck your doing!" Agastya said with anger, snatching hockey stick from her hand and throwing it away in anger.
She replied to him in his tone only "Ab chalao gadhi, agar chal jaye too!" She passed him a glare and turned to move away when a car stopped in front of her. It was that car only which he ordered his man to bring. She didn't reacted on this.
Riva was dragging her to come with her away as she got an assumption that what will happen to them if they stopped there one more minute after creating this much mess.
He held kainat with her forearm and then pulled her into him her soft front crashed to his hard, rock like front.
She looked into his eyes while he was also staring deep into her eyes as he will snatch her soul from inside. She gulped due to little fear and his grip was so tight around her forearm. "Now you are in a very good book of mine" he said sarcastically while gritting his teeth.
She just looked at him and gulped the emotions that she was feeling. "Now you just pray that you don't encounter with me again, otherwise that will not be holy for you." He said further leaving her with a jerk. Then he hung the car keys in front of her face and said "Your car!" She didn't took the keys and moved back. The new car was at few inches distance from her. She was walking away when she bumped with the car she just angrily kicked the tyre of the car with frustration and said to him giving him deadly stares "apki gadhi aap hi ko Mubarak! Khud hi isme Ghar chale jana kyunki vo to chal nahi payegi." She said pointing towards his badly damaged car then with a fierce chuckle she turned completely and he just stood there with shock.
She sat in the car and Riva took the orphanly lying hockey from the ground then she took sit at the passenger seat. With a gush, she rushed the car and he kept looking at the car's disappearing figure.
His breathes laboured due to anger he punched the car two, three, four times to calm down his anger. But nothing was working.
She just picked his heart to this content, he was not able to digest the fact that a minimal 5'4 inch girl cannot destruct his aura of menace. He sat in the car that he bought for kainat as his previous car was really not in condition to be driven somewhere.
He just sat in the car when his phone rang and Aangray said something from front to which Agastya replied with an emotionless tone "Coming, just hold it." Then he disconnected the phone. And ignited the engine and left from there........................ _______________________________________
~hello everyone hope you are doing well. Although the target I gave in the previous story was not yet completed but, still posting the chapter, as I am little happy that you guys are trying to engage.
But it's a request, plz follow and vote as much as you can. Don't be a silent reader. Your votes are really encouraging .
The chapter is still unedited so please excuse the errors and adjust.
~here's an update for the chapter hope you liked it. ~dont forget to vote + follow ~feel free to comment your suggestion or any part you like. I love reading your comments.
_______________________________________ Spoilers:
"What are you doing here?" Agastya asked in anger.
Kainat was all dressed in dancers costume which was making him even more anguish. . . . . . . . She was so stubborn that despite his threats she didn't say anything so he was left with the only option. he pulled her into him cupping her mouth then he took out his handkerchief and tied on her mouth. Then he picked her up as if she weighed nothing and then hung her on his shoulder............................. ___________________________ ~thankyou ~enjoy reading!!
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