Kainat was lying on her stomach on her bed in her room. Riva came outside her room and tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. She knocked on the door many times. After sometime Kainat spoke from inside.
"If you've come here to convince me to go to Hyderabad with you, then I am not interested in talking. Just go from here" to which Riva replied "No! I am here to talk to you about work"
After sometime she opened the door from inside and Riva entered inside. Kainat sat on the couch and Riva closed the door and sat beside Kainat.
"So, what have you planned for the future, Kainat? Where will you arrange 4 crores from?.......If the money isn't paid, your architectural license will be revoked for breaking the guidelines" Riva asked worriedly to Kainat.
Kainat said in a stressed tone "I am trying to figure it out.........I don't know what should I do now". Riva wrapped her arms around Kainat and said "it's ok together we will figure it out too. You don't take much stress" kainat didn't said anything at this and hugged her back.
"Now I understand why you were behaving too rough that day......... Why you do this always, you keep suffering yourself and never tell anything to anyone" Riva said tightening her grip around her.
"Whom should I tell? I didn't want to worry anyone." Kainat said this in low voice.
After sometime they broke the hug and smiled at each other. Suddenly they heard a loud voice coming from downstairs. They looked at each other in confusion and immediately walked out of room.
Kainat and Riva had came downstairs when they saw Sherry hugging his dad. He arrived from Germany after 3 years after completing his graduation in law.
Seeing Sherry a big smile appeared on Kainat's face. She walked towards Sherry. Sherry held her by her arm looked at her with a big smile for few seconds then he hugged her tightly.
Kainat too hugged him back as tight as his grip. Kainat broke the hug and punched his abs and said " unhnn! Body-shody brother!" She teased him for his abs and upon hearing this he laughed and began flexing his muscles that can be clearly seen from above his shirt they all laughed. Sandeep was smiling while watching the bond of Sherry and Kainat.
Riva came near Sherry and she hugged him too. They three then went into a group hug. After sometime they broke the hug when Sandeep asked Sherry to go and get freshen up first.
Sherry kissed Kainat's and Riva's forehead and then went up to his room. Kainat turned and her eyes met Sandeep's eyes who was looking at his happy daughter. But suddenly her smile faded as she remembered whatever happened in morning.
Agnivanshi villa!!
Agastya was still in his office working. He was searching for some files in his shelf where so many files were compiled.
Aangray knocked at the door to which Agastya said "Come in". Aangray entered into his cabin and said "boss you called me?"
"Have you seen Advait's case file somewhere, where it had gone from my shelf?" Agastya questioned him while searching for file.
Aangray replied to this with nervousness "boss you yourself gave me the file to give it to Mr. Chetan five days back."
On hearing this Agastya's eyes left wide open and he turned towards Aangray and said "what the hell are you saying I gave you the file of weapon count and not Advait's case file."
Aangray replied while stammering little within one breath "no boss it was Advait's case file, you handed over it to me and said to give it to Mr. Chetan, initially I was also confused that why you were giving this file to him but I was scared to ask you from the front...... So I obeyed your order"
Agastya looked at him with anger filled eyes and walked slowly towards him . As his steps were approaching towards Aangray he was walking backward then his back hit the table and he stopped there. Agastya walked towards him looking into his eyes straight but he was not even able to raise his eyes.
Agastya slammed the table behind him hardly so Aangray got little scary jerk. Agastya said to him in stern voice. "Get the car ready!" He said this and walked back taking out phone from his pocket and immediately Aangray left his cabin.
He came out of the his cabin and put his hand on the left side of his chest to relax his fast beating heart and Sighing with little relief. He said to himself
"Aangray, hurry up and bring the car out, otherwise the boss will make you the car and spin around." Having said this Aangray left from there.
In cabin, Agastya called someone, it was Mr. Chetan. A voice came from front "Aaaa my my my! My dear Matteo (the razorblade) , how come you call me today!" The man said laughing devilish.
"I want to meet you, right now! I am coming to the old mansion you too reach within 15 minutes" Agastya said to him with no expression on his face.
"And why should I obey your orders, what would I get in return." The man on other side asked. Agastya didn't say anything to this. And after sometime he said.
"And yes don't forget to bring Advait's file........And if you try any tricks, you'll regret it before your time, washing your hands of your own life. I hope you understood!" Having said this Agastya hung the phone and left from there.
After sometime he reached at the old mansion there Mr. Chetan was already waiting for him with file lying in front of him on table. There was total darkness in the mansion and only small lamp was hanging on ceiling which is only spreading the light.
Agastya was about to pick the file from desk when before he could Chetan snatched from the table and he said while caressing file "Even if I give you this file, what benefit will I get from it?, and if I am not in benifits then why would I give this to you".
Agastya sat on the chair in front of table and rubbing his forehead in anger he asked about what he want in return to which he replied "Not much only sniper rifles, grenades and explosives. Let's make a deal of give and take. Right!"
Agastya looked at the Aangray who is standing behind Chetan. His stare was that, as if he was signalling him about something.
Aangray knocked at chetan . He hit the nerve just below his brain due to which he started to loose his conscious. He fell on ground due to instability.
Agastya stood from his place and walked towards him he took out his gun from his back belt and shot directly through Chetan's head. He took the file from table and moved out of the mansion.
From behind Aangray ordered the few guards to settle the body. In the car Aangray asked Agastya why he shoot Chetan to which Agastya replied.
"If I had given the desired weapons to him, he still have read the file and he can use it against me anytime....... So his best place was in hell only, so I have just sent him to his better place".
They looked at each other and smirked deville.
After sometime Agastya and Aangray reached the villa it was 8 pm that time. Madan Kaka went happy to see Agastya early today.
As Aangray saw madan Kaka coming out of kitchen he greeted to kaka to which kaka replied, while blessing him. Kaka looked at Agastya who straight went to his room.
Aangray walked towards kaka and said "Kaka! Today I will also have dinner here hope it is fine to you".
kaka laughed at this and nodded in positive.
After sometime Agastya came downstairs after taking bath and sat on the dining table. Kaka served Aangray and Agastya food then went back to kitchen.
After sometime Agastya's phone rang it was Devi ji (his grandmother) on other side. First he closed his eyes due to frustration but soon picked the phone up.
A voice came from front "Agu! Mera baccha........ Finally you picked my phone. Agu plz come home dear...........it's been almost 4 years since I saw you. Agu before I die, I want to see you bete..... Plz don't punish you dadi like this." Agastya didn't uttered a word while listening to all this. He took a long breath then cut the phone without saying all this.
He pushed the plate away then stood from his place and went to his room.
He was pacing here and there in the room. He went to the drink counter in his room and poured some alcohol in it and walked into the balcony.
Words of deep ji and Devi ji was echoing in his ears and it's was irritating him. Out of irritation he broke the thre the glass on the ground and pieces of glass spread out everywhere.
He came out of his room and went into the study room. In his study room behind the the big bookshelf was a secret room he pressed the button under table which was lying beside the bookshelf and the shelf moved from its place Agastya entered into the shelf and it closed itself.
Sabharwal Mansion!!
Sherry, Kainat and Riva are walking in the corridor. When they heard the sound of Rama from downstairs to come to dining room to have dinner.
They met after such a long time that they couldn't stop talking. They were walking around, giggling and cracking jokes. They came down and took their seats. Sandeep ji was already sitting there.
Sherry was telling everyone about his journey in Germany. And the were making jokes, teasing each other in short they were spending quality time together.
Seeing them happy Sandeep ji found it right, not to raise the topic to visit Hyderabad.
But Sherry suddenly spoke "dad when is mahinder uncle hosting get together this year." Sandeep got happy that finally someone spoke his words which he is struggling to convey, but on hearing Sherry's words Kainat's smile faded.
She lowered her eyes and started eating her food silently.
"It's day after tomorrow, I wanted to ask this to you but I thought that you must be tired so I thought I should talk about this tomorrow" Sandeep ji said with excitement.
Sherry replied to words of Sandeep ji and said "Dad I am so dying to reunite with everyone, we will have lot of fun. Right Kainat!"
Sandeep, Riva and Sherry looked at Kainat. She raised her eyes but didn't said anything at this.
Sandeep Ji's eyes were stuck on Kainat's reactionless face and he said "Actually Sherry your sister is not ready to go to Hyderabad, she has said that she don't have any problem if we go but she is not going to join us."
Sherry looked at Kainat with a shocking reaction. "Is that true Kainat....... I mean but why you are not coming with us. We will have lot of fun. Raisinghani siblings are so fun to catch up with. Plz kainat, plz,plz,plz,........" Sherry said making an innocent face .
"If you guys have something else to talk then you may continue but please there is no need to raise this topic again and again in front of me. I am so done" kainat said this hile standing up from her place.
Sherry held her hand and again made her sit on her place and said "stay here, no need to leave the conversation in between. And what's the matter why you don't want to come with us."
"I neither like Hyderabad and nor the people living there." Kainat replied.
"But still you have owned a company there?" Sherry said while raising his eyebrows.
Kainat was left out of words. She sighed out of frustration and ran from there. All of three kept looked at eachother than at Kainat untill she was out of sight.
" If she makes up her mind about something, she doesn’t listen to anyone. How do I convince her now?"
Sandeep ji said with worrisome face.
Sherry and Riva looked at eachother and then sighed weary.
After sometime Kainat was sitting in her study room. She was doing some work on her laptop and she was drawing some designs of buliding on Canvas simultaneously.
Sherry and Riva entered into the room. They gathered some courage to talk to Kainat and finally walked towards her.
"Kainat!" Sherry said this much when she said turning her face away "please Sherry I don't want to talk . Go away from here."
To which Sherry said "no listen to me first, it's not only raisinghani's get together but some other people are too coming there and they want to Introduce us to them. For the sake of meeting just come with us. I promise, as soon as the meeting will be over no one will force you to stay there, if you feel like going then no one will stop you, You can go, but please come for once."
Riva continued "we know Kainat that you don't like Hyderabad and people around there, but with the time everything changes and we have to change ourselves with each passing time. uncle loves you more than anything in this world, he never expressed his sadness to you. But he is upset with your decision, but still he is drinking that sip of poison only for your sake that you don't want to go Hyderabad, I think so you should think of him once.......good night"
Sherry and Riva left from there Kainat closed her laptop and removed her specs off from her eyes. She sat on the couch hopeless and rubbed her forehead out of stress. After sometime sitting there she left to her room.
Kainat came back to her room after taking bath. Words of Riva were still ringing in her ears, even after trying she was not able to deny the fact. She threw her towel on a chair and walked towards the mirror.
As she came near mirror she saw herself and thought about something.
She was wearing a white loose shirt and trouser underneath. She rubbed her hand on the shirt on her belly.
She slowly lifted her shirt slightly, revealing her belly. She brushed her hand over the scare on her waist and Suddenly, a tear fell from her eye. It seemed as if she is remembering something horrifying that even a thought of it could bring tear to her eyes.
Maybe something that might have happened in past. Kainat pretends to be the strongest as she never cries so easily in front of anyone but deep down she is hiding so much pain in her heart that only she knows and someone god gifted can now only heal her.
(Next morning)
Agnivanshi villa!!
Sunlight was harshly falling on the eyes of Agastya due to which his sleep got disturbed and he woke up and sat on his bed.
He looked at his phone to see the timing. He was shocked to found that it was 8 am and he is still sleeping. He rushed towards the bathroom after sometime he came out of bathroom, he has only wrapped towel around his waist and nothing on upper body.
He went to closet to bring his clothes and his phone rang in which Aangray's number was showing. He came out of the closet with his clothes. And picked the call
Aangray, "boss! It reached successfully."
Agastya, "hmm...good."
Aangray, "yashraj massai wants to meet you today, he has been sending mails since so long for your appointment."
Agastya,"okay! Lock the meeting for today.......... I am coming."
He said this then hung up the phone, he wore his clothes then came downstairs. Madan Kaka was ready with the breakfast on dining table. But Agastya left without even looking once at him.
Madan Kaka kept looking at him untill he is out of sight then lowered his head and took the food from table and went back to kitchen.
~hey everyone, hope you all are doing good.
~so here's and update of the chapter. Hope you like the chapter.
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